Make Toilet Cleaning A Piece Of Cake With this New Foaming Powder

Written by: Samantha Georgeson, Senior Editor | Friday, May 03, 2024

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Family is everything.

But sometimes, they can make us sick.

That’s what happened to me, when I let my cousin Charlotte move in with me.  She had lost her job, and needed a place to get back on her feet. I was happy to help!

At first, I thought it was going to be great. She’s a couple years younger than me, and we had always gotten along. Plus, she had the cutest clothes and was amazing at make-up. I was super excited to share that stuff with her.

But I was in for a big surprise.

Even though Charlotte was cute, and girly, and sweet, she had a disgusting secret.

Her poops were apocalyptically horrible. They honestly smelled like her entire diet was dead squirrels and rotten milk.

It was crazy!

The first time it happened, I figured it was just the stress of moving and losing her job, so I let it pass. I opened every window in the house, and lit every candle I owned. But eventually, it got so hot with all the candles, and I could still smell her noxious business, so I blew them out and just went for a walk.

I thought that would be the first and last time. I was wrong.

By the time I had smelled 3 or 4 death-smelling poops, I confronted Charlotte. I told her she needed to see a doctor or something, because something was not right. Plus, it was starting to make me feel sick and gross all the time. Worst of all, she never cleaned up after herself, and the toilet was starting to get a nasty ring on it.

That’s when things really took a turn.

She literally told me that her crap doesn’t stink, and tried to tell me that I was the stinky one.

“Sounds like somebody just wants an excuse to kick me out, and turn their back on their family,” she said, starting to cry.

It was hard not to roll my eyes at her performance, but I needed to move on. I couldn’t kick her out, and no candle, incense, or air freshener, or cleaning supply was a match for her rancid butt.

It was time to bring out the big guns.

It was time to go to a true expert.

I would have to reach out to my cousin, Kevin, even though I really didn’t want to. Kevin had a job as an expert toxicologist. That sounds really interesting, right? Well, just wait until getting stuck next to him at a family reunion, and getting more information than you ever wanted to know about all the poisons around you—including the poisons we eat and drink.

That stuff is so depressing!

Kevin had ALWAYS been interested in toxins. He was most obsessed with finding out the reactions in the human body with various toxins. He would even sometimes perform nasty experiments on little animals when we were children—that even freaked the adults out!

Because of all this, Kevin wasn’t our most popular cousin. But, we didn’t have to deal with him that often, so it didn’t matter too much. He was too busy to make most reunions since he had become an expert international consultant. His education in the disgusting had really paid off for him!

But I’ll be honest—no matter how rich he was, or how many famous criminal trials he testified in, he would always be Kooky Kevin to me.

And for once in my life, I was glad he was my cousin. I could finally benefit from his weird knowledge!

When Kevin picked up the phone, he told me he was about to get on a first class flight to London!

“I always have time for family, though!” Kevin said cheerfully.

“Thanks cuz!! Kevin Donnelly– the best cousin a girl could have!” I said, “I was worried such a famous toxicologist would be too busy for little old me.

Kevin chuckled, and said that of course he would always have time.

I smiled, and started telling him about my problems. How Charlotte was making the most rancid poops ever, and refusing to clean them up. How my toilet was getting wrecked and I was worried I wouldn’t get my deposit back. How I couldn’t turn my back on family, even if I really wanted to.

When I finished talking, Kevin was worried, “Wow, that does sound awful!” he said.

“Is there anything I can do?” I asked, “Should I just find a new place to live? I don’t know if I could afford it.”

“No need for that!” Kevin told me, “I have a much easier solution.”

“What is it?” I asked, desperate.

“It’s called Splash foaming powder, and it is absolutely amazing,” he said, “And I’m confident it will work for any toilet, because it is specifically designed to do so! It was originally designed for low-water, septic system toilets, but it works just as well in conventional toilets.”

“So I won’t have to live with these nasty stained toilets anymore?” I asked.

He laughed, “Nope, not necessary! All it takes is one scoop of the powder, to interact with at least one tablespoon of water, and it will foam up right to the rim of the toilet, using surface area technology to get every inch.”

“That sounds great!” I said, “And from there, I just scrub all the mess away?”

“Nope, not even!” Kevin said, “Just let the foam sit for about 20 minutes, and it does all the work. The proprietary formula uses powerful scrubbing enzymes that interact with the unhygienic particles and bacteria, shredding them and trapping them below the surface of the foam, so there’s nothing escaping to get into the air, to make people sick.”

“Whoa—no work? Sounds great to me!” I laughed.

Kevin laughed too, “Well, no work is nice, but no dangerous particles in the air is even nicer—that’s how we can boost the external immune system, or the cleanliness of the home, preventing microbial invaders in the body.”

“Wow,” I said, “That sounds too easy. Could it really work on this nasty toilet mess? The buildup has been awful.”

“Yep!” Kevin said, with no hesitation, “Splash Toilet cleaner is the best and most powerful way to naturally kill toilet toxins. I even keep one in my suitcase and one in my carry-on bag to use on the strange toilets I encounter in my travels. It’s why I never get sick!”

I was impressed! This Splash stuff sounded like the real deal!

“Okay, great, sounds like Splash will be my next step,” I told him, “Where can I buy it?”

“It’s only available online,” he said, “That way they can keep costs down to provide the most powerful cleaning work for the least money.”

“Cool, thanks Kevin! Have fun in London!” I said.

I looked up Splash Toilet Cleaner online. I wanted to double check that it worked before I spent my money.

And when I saw everything online about it, I was blown away!

Here’s what I found:

What is Splash Toilet Cleaner?

It’s a scrub-free cleanser, the second it touches water, it instantly expands in the bowl. Foam immediately covers the bowl, destroying stains and limescale build up.

Not only does it clean the bowl of the toilet, it also actively cleans into the drain!

It’s also not just for toilets! Because it reacts in any water, it can be used in bathroom skins, kitchen sinks, washing machines, all kinds of tile floorings and other hard to reach areas!

So, how does it work?

The powerful chemicals that are in Splash Toilet Cleaner react to water making a very strong foam. The foam expands to completely cover the toilet bowl.

The foam works to break down the dirt and stains. After about 30 minutes the foam has bonded with the dirt chemically and once rinsed away, it leaves a clean bowl.

The secret? It’s in it’s NanoTech formula, the formula is so strong that the chemicals in the foam start to form bonds with the stains.

Quickly deodorizing and dissolving build up from:

  • Limescale deposits
  • Calcium reservoirs
  • Rust build up
  • Hard water scaling

The great news is it’s 100% safe to touch and doesn’t irritate the skin.

But, you might be thinking, is it really worth the hype?

Well, so far, Splash Toilet Cleaner has sold over 10 million units! These orders have been directly to consumers, even without taking the easy route of selling in stores!

Splash Toilet Cleaner has actually been SELLING OUT every time there is a new stock available!

It’s become, THAT, popular.

It’s all from word of mouth. Because people just like you or me, are loving it so much that the reviews alone, are letting people know about it!

Splash Toilet Cleaner has actually started to develop a sort of cult following. With over 14,000 of it’s verified customers reviewing with 5-Stars, look what they’re saying:

Seriously, I’ll never be without this

“One of a fears in life of mine is using a dirty toilet. With 3 teenagers at home, I have unfortunately been exposed to dirty toilets more than I would like to be. But with Splash Toilet Cleaner, life is so much easier! I just simply drop some in, and watch the foam do all the work, just rinse it down after and you’re DONE!”

Does the job… literally.

“Cleaning houses for a living has put me in proximity with too many disgusting toilets! When I heard about this product, I didn’t think twice about buying it and giving it a try. I mean I was totally skeptical at first, but now I’ll never go back to scrubbing… This has saved me so much time, and my clients are always so impressed!”

One of my best purchases this year

“AMAZING! Just do yourself the favor… get Splash Toilet Cleaner now. I mean, unless you enjoy scrubbing toilets?!”

Turns out, tens of thousands of Americans had already discovered the magic of Splash Toilet cleaner.

And when I saw there was a money-back guarantee, I knew I had nothing to lose. I went to order some. But they were SOLD OUT!

I was determined, so I checked back every day until they were finally back in stock.

I ordered a 2 years supply right away. I was going to make sure I had plenty. Plus, the more I bought, the bigger the discount. I felt so relieved when I clicked BUY NOW and got my order confirmation email.

When they arrived, I couldn’t wait to try it on my nasty toilet.

I put a scoop in like Kevin said, and prayed. And just like he said, it actually started foaming up, right away! I found it kind of funny to watch, so as strange as it sounds I just sat on the edge of my tub, watching the foam come up. I was almost worried that it was going to overflow! But like Kevin said, it just came to the rim, and stayed there.

I let it sit for 30 minutes since my toilet was extra gross, and then gave a quick once-around with my toilet brush, then flushed.

I was hoping the toilet would look a little bit better, but it didn’t…

It looked BRAND NEW!!

I was amazed, and so happy. Finally, I wouldn’t have to scrub my toilet so much every day—the Splash foam took care of it himself!

I showed Charlotte, and she even agreed to use it when she remembered. It’s not as much as I would like, but it has made a world of difference.

Ever since I started using Splash for my toilet, I have felt even better and more energized than I have in a long time, my skin cleared up, and my allergy symptoms are gone. I feel even better than I had before!

I didn’t realize how much my nasty toilet was affecting me, until it wasn’t anymore.

Anyway, I wanted to share my story, in case anyone else out there needs some help with rotten bathroom situations.

How much does it cost?

Splash Toilet Cleaner costs $19.95 for a box. If you only use it once every 2 weeks, it will last a whole year.

Is it worth it?

If you’re like me (and most Americans) then ABSOLUTELY yes.

Not only does this save you time and money, but there is no more cleaning or scrubbing involved!

Considering that you would probably pay the same price (probably more) on traditional toilet cleaners, this is really a no brainer!

To see if they are still available and in stock, click on the button below.

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